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Goddesses of the Spirit

This is a very new page, I'm still sorting out how to work it. The only requirement is that the women featured exemplify qualities which I admire.
Mother Goddess.
"Pakassi," by Alain Paris
(more Alain Paris work available at "Black Mirages")
Michelle Kwan.
Screen capture taken during the Olympics. I chose her as my goddess of the week because I respect her style and grace of living. She always wants to be better, but she does it for enjoyment. If she screws up she never makes excuses or lays blame, but she doesn't seem to beat herself up, either.
Yeah, okay, I know she's not only fictional, she's dead, but... Kaylar Rules With An Iron Fist! (I also found her name spelled K'Ehleyr - If anyone knows which is more right, write me.)

Emma Goldman: When I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I had to study her and 'play' her for an English class project. At the time I had all of one magazine article to base my act on, and I was quite taken with her. She was a tubthumping anarchist, a supporter of 'free love' (a forerunner of polyamory), and bi! My teacher could not have known how perfect a match he had suggested for me... or perhaps he did.

Belinda's Little Red Suitcase! An Australian college student with a passion for all things RED. (Maybe some day she'll let me put up a pic of her!)

"THE" Goddess...

Gillian Anderson

"The Gillian Anderson Estrogen Brigade" Lesbian and bi women fans of G.A.

The Gillian Anderson Web Site: These people claim to have collected 1,973 links to other Gillian sites, and the way I see it, I don't have to repeat their work. :) But, below you'll find a few I thought I should mention.

Order of the Blessed Saint Scully the Enigmatic Even if you're not particularly an X-Files fan, this is a neat page. Nice design and organization. If it was an actual religion, this web page would get converts. (you can call me Sister Derien...)

"Graeme's Random Collection of People" Pictures of Gillian, both in and out of Scully character. Takes a long time to download, since there are so many, and more every day. But, they're nice looking pics. And the more pics of her I see, the more I want to see - this is one hot babe! A sense of humor is sexy, and so is brains - I think she's really got brains, even if the Scully stuff is not really 'her'. Something comes across in the interviews - wit, and a sense of self- and world-awarness.

The Gillian Anderson League This is the nexus of a web ring devoted to sites with Gillian Anderson/Scully related information. I haven't browsed it much. It did, however lead me to the Gillian Anderson Estrogen Brigade.

"Scully?: A discussion of the photographic journy of Gillian Anderson

Asia Carrera A snippet from her bio: "-Played classical piano at Carnegie Hall at 13 & 14 (Ernesto Lecuona's 'Malaguena' and Bach's 13th Invention). Taught Colloquial English at Tsuruga College in Japan at 16. Attended Rutgers (U of NJ) on full academic scholarship (National Merit Scholarship Winner for 1440 on SAT's, and Garden State Scholarship for nerdly grades). Double-Majored in Business and Japanese ). Member of Mensa, society for high I.Q. nerds."
But most importantly, check out her answer to the question at the bottom of the bio -
"If you're so intelligent, why are you a porn star?" Great stuff.
Yeah, I want to see Asia's Buttkicking Homepage!